The Bill provides for the establishment of a Pandemic Response Fund upon the declaration of an emergency. The object of the Fund is to mobilize the resources that shall be used to contain the spread and income of the pandemic. The Bill provides that the Fund shall be administered by the Principal Secretary relating to matters of finance who shall supervise and control the administration of the Fund. The Bill further goes to provide some of the ways in which the fund shall be used. For instance, the Fund can be used to purchase the necessary equipment and supplies for the control of the pandemic, creation of isolation centres, increasing laboratories for testing etc.
The sources of the Fund shall be:
With regards to accountability in the administration of the fund, the Administrator is tasked with ensuring that there is established proper systems of control and oversight as per the Public Finance Management Act; that proper books of accounts and other books and records relating to the Fund and the activities financed under the Fund; preparing and transmitting to the Auditor-General financial statements; and preparing quarterly financial and nonfinancial reports.